Job Seekers

Why use Beyond Wage

Compare Compensation, Benefits & Perks From The Start

Why wait until the interview or longer to find out what compensation, benefits, and perks a company offers? Stop wasting time applying for positions that won’t meet your compensation needs or the benefits and perks you want. Beyond Wage encourages compensation transparency and allows you to compare company and job position offerings up front easily.

Why wait until the interview or longer to find out what compensation, benefits, and perks a company offers? Stop wasting time applying for positions that won’t meet your compensation needs or the benefits and perks you want. Beyond Wage encourages compensation transparency and allows you to compare company and job position offerings up front easily.

Stand out

Customize your profile to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Select preferences for company culture, compensation, benefits, and perks to match with employers offering similar compensation pages and company culture. Showcase your portfolios and examples of work, upload video introductions and pre-approved interview questions to show your personality, link
to your social media, and highlight your skills.

What do job seekers want

Compensation transparency is one of the top trends and even becoming law in many states. Candidates want honesty and clarity from the start of the recruiting process. Information about compensation and other benefits is key in this.

According to research economic uncertainty in 2023 will make bonuses, alternative perks, learning, and development more popular and necessary for employers to compete for top talent. Studies show that in 2023, candidates want benefits and perks, even more than they want a raise. As well as influence the job seeking seeking process and likelyhood of accepting potential job offers.

Benefits are top influence for accepting job
Benefits & Perks major factor for accepting a job
Want Compensation listed in a job post

However only 7.8% of candidates report US job postings to include salary data. This means that over 90% off all jobs does not include salary data eventhough this is a major part to try and attract candidates!

US Job Posts that include salary data
Why use Beyond Wage

Working for alternative compensation can be an excellent option for those looking to escape the
limitations of a traditional job. With alternative compensation, you can experience freedom over
your work schedule, flexibility, autonomy, and higher earning potential. Furthermore, working for
alternative compensation also allows you to be part of a new wave of businesses embracing digital currencies as payment, thereby creating an exciting and innovative working experience.

Perk programs are becoming more popular and sought after. A growing number of companies offer complimentary snacks and meals, unlimited vacation time, a company car, gym memberships, casual dress, entertainment allowance, travel perks, peer recognition programs, and professional development resources.

Beyond Wage allows you to find and compare the jobs and companies that offer the perks and benefits you’re looking for. What are you looking for?

Why use Beyond Wage

Anonymous Mode

More companies offer their employees comprehensive benefits and perks. Benefit offerings go beyond the traditional options like healthcare, dental, and 401k.

Some top trending company benefits include flexible work hours, remote work options, enhanced parental leave, mental/emotional health programs, tuition/education assistance, continuing education resources, wellness programs, healthcare coverage, and financial planning services.

Stand Out

Adding more than just the basic compensation data allows you to not only stand out by posting about compensation but also with a custom and specific overview of the total compensation package.


If you are a start-up or have fewer resources to compete on base salary, having the option to offer alternative compensation will allow you to compete with companies that might have a higher fiat hourly pay.

Make Me Quit

Are you interested in hiring someone that currently already has a job? Then Beyond Wage’s unique Make Me Quit feature is perfect for you. It lets a potential working candidate know that someone is interested in acquiring them and gives them the opportunity to precisely show what it would take to make them quit and apply for your position.

Why Work For

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Potentially increase your earning potential and have a vested interest in the growth and success of the company you are working for. Stock options provide flexibility regarding time and commitment one is
willing to invest in the company’s success and can offer a potential for
higher rewards as the company’s value increases over time. 

Working for cryptocurrency can be appealing due to its potential for high
returns. Cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate quickly, offering the potential for significant gains for
employees but can also potentially have a higher risk for loss due to these price fluctuations. Additionally, working for cryptocurrency could offer increased security and autonomy, as the payments are not subject to traditional banking regulations.

Working for profit share is an excellent option for those
looking to benefit from the financial success of the company. Profit share allows employees to share in the company’s economic success and incentivizes employees to work harder and be more productive. 

Working for a commission can be beneficial as it incentivizes
you to sell more products and maximize your earning potential. Commission can offer you greater autonomy over how much you earn, as their salary is tied to the number of sales you make. 

Other Forms of Compensation Offered

Hourly Salary

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Hourly Salary

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Hourly Salary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Hourly Salary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Hourly Salary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Hourly Salary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Hourly Salary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.

Why use Beyond Wage

Get the Benefits & Perks you want

More companies offer their employees comprehensive benefits and perks. Benefit offerings go beyond the traditional options like healthcare, dental, and 401k.

Some top trending company benefits include flexible work hours, remote work options, enhanced parental leave, mental/emotional health programs, tuition/education assistance, continuing education resources, wellness programs, healthcare coverage, and financial planning services.

Stand Out

Adding more than just the basic compensation data allows you to not only stand out by posting about compensation but also with a custom and specific overview of the total compensation package.


If you are a start-up or have fewer resources to compete on base salary, having the option to offer alternative compensation will allow you to compete with companies that might have a higher fiat hourly pay.

Unique Beyond Wage Features

Unique Search & Filters
Search for more than just a job title to find your ideal job. Quickly find positions by compensation, like salary, cryptocurrency, commission, and stock. Search for benefits like health insurance, 401k, or unlimited time off. Filter on perks such as dog-friendly workplaces, flextime, or meals. Filter through job positions to access the jobs and companies right for you.
Anonymous Mode
Anonymous Mode allows you to look for a job while keeping your personal information private, which can be used for those who already have a job, are passively looking for a job, or want to find a side hustle.
Make Me Quit
Are you interested in finding a new job with no time to look? Let us help! By turning on our Make Me Quit feature, you can set minimum thresholds of compensation, benefits, and perks to make you quit your current job to take a new position.
Application Tracker
Track, sort, and organize the jobs you applied for and see the status of that job in real-time, as updated by the employer.
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