Search High-Quality Candidates, use Beyond Wage custom search and match functionality
& Attract top talent with unique perks, benefits and compensation packages.

More clicks on job postings if it includes salary and benefits
Why use Beyond Wage
Attract & Acquire Top Talent
The best candidates have options, are sought after, or already have a job.
We help you target top talent by appealing to their needs and wants. Our marketing and promotion tools help you attract the best candidates on our site, partner sites, and social media.

Did you know
Over 60% of candidates report that benefits & perks are a significant factor in accepting a job offer.
Candidates are looking for more than just a salary, like alternative forms of compensation, variable pay, benefits, and perks. Additionally, job seekers want to join a company that shares their core values, provides a great organizational culture, and supports their career goals.
Beyond Wage allows you to align with candidates on all levels for a more likely candidate acquisition and success. As well as promoto and show off the job compensation, benefits and company values.
What do job seekers want
Compensation transparency is one of the top trends and even becoming law in many states. Candidates want honesty and clarity from the start of the recruiting process. Information about compensation and other benefits is key in this.
According to research economic uncertainty in 2023 will make bonuses, alternative perks, learning, and development more popular and necessary for employers to compete for top talent. Studies show that in 2023, candidates want benefits and perks, even more than they want a raise. As well as influence the job seeking seeking process and likelyhood of accepting potential job offers.
However only 7.8% of candidates report US job postings to include salary data. This means that over 90% off all jobs does not include salary data eventhough this is a major part to try and attract candidates!
Why use Beyond Wage
Know What a Candidate Wants
Beyond Wage matches employers and candidates on more than just experience. To ensure a better long-term fit, you can match with job seekers based on influential factors, including compensation preferences, core values, and soft skills.
Candidates are more than their resumes. Dive deeper into a candidate’s profile and personality. Using various tools and metrics supported by the Beyond Wage dashboard.

Search & Match
Search candidates on experience, skills, and location. But also on what they are looking for in terms of compensation.
Beyond Wage tools allow you to rank candidates based on custom criteria and save candidates for current positions, create candidate pools for further job posts, and pitch to passive job seekers.
Having the ability to know what a candidate is looking for in terms of compensation can help you make the right decision if a specific candidate is a fit for you before finding out at the end of the interview stage.

Why use Beyond Wage
Go After the Hidden Job Market

Anonymous Mode
A large part of the potential candidate pool is currently still working and is part of the so called hidden job market. Some people might not feel comfortable looking for a new job while still being employed.
Giving the opportunity for candidates to make anonymous profiles can increase the amount of qualified, experienced candidates for you to tap into.
Candidate Pools & Ranking
Sometimes qualified people apply to a job posting but for one reason or another are not a good fit or there are too many qualified candidates to choose from.
By having the option to create candidate pools you can save those candidates in custom pipelines for a later job posting that you know is coming up or a different position. For which you can then invite them to apply.
Make Me Quit
Are you interested in hiring someone that currently already has a job? Then Beyond Wage’s unique Make Me Quit feature is perfect for you. It lets a potential working candidate know that someone is interested in acquiring them and gives them the opportunity to precisely show what it would take to make them quit and apply for your position.
Why use Beyond Wage
Offer Any Compensation Type
Beyond Wage allows you to offer any form of compensation, including alternative wages like cryptocurrency and equity or stock, and variable pay like bonuses and commissions.
The data suggests that a large portion of job seekers wants compensation data in the job post, which would imply that adding this data gives you a competitive advantage over other job listings.
In a highly competitive job market with a lot of companies looking for qualified candidates for similar positions. It is key to be able to compete for those highly sought-after candidates.

Stand Out
Adding more than just the basic compensation data allows you to not only stand out by posting about compensation but also with a custom and specific overview of the total compensation package.

If you are a start-up or have fewer resources to compete on base salary, having the option to offer alternative compensation will allow you to compete with companies that might have a higher fiat hourly pay.
Types of Compensation
Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Why use Beyond Wage
Offer Unique Benefits & Perks
Offering perks and benefits can help increase employee statisfaction and thereby reducing the amount of employees quitting. Additionally it can greatly help attract new candidates for open functions. With around 60% of candidates reporting a positive effect on their decision to accept a job offer due to benefits or perks being offered.
A large part of employers is currently already looking into expanding the perks and benefits being offered, around 70% in 2023 are planning to do so. However, most current job boards out there do not offer any meaningful way to promote these perks and benefits. There is no way as a company to highlight them or for a candidate to search for them.
Perks are extra’s that you get ontop of your base salary and sometimes also ontop of your benefits. Perks do not need to have a clear monetary value but they could.
For example a pet friendly workplace is a perk. Discounts or a gym membership could also be a perk. The main difference is that these perks are more extra and benefits cover more basic needs.
Perks could however greatly affect the job satisfaction and touch on more personal preferences on employees.
The benefits an employer offers can be a significant differentiator and benefits are becoming more popular and sought after. Traditional benefits like healthcare, dental insurance, vacation time, and sick time have been standard for years, but more candidates seek extended benefits.
Trending benefits like family planning, mental healthcare, wellness programs, and parental time off are now often expected, and some employers now offer unlimited time off versus earned or specific allotted vacation days.

Types of Benefits
Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Types of Perks
Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Hourly Salary
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Why use Beyond Wage
Tools, Resources & Automation
Automation and AI integration is getting more and more popular. At Beyond Wage we believe that automation is the future, and the more we can help you automate the better.
This includes automating background checks, NDAs, contracts and more. But also in the future to have AI guided assistance with job creation, scanning & extracting resume data, and validating resume data.