How to Find Your Next Job

Tips & Steps for finding your next job

Finding a job can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! There are a lot of things you can do, tips and tricks to apply to help you find and apply for your next job! Researching companies, networking with peers, creating a great resume, and more can all help make the process easier. Here are a few tips to get you started!

Graphic of a woman thinking with a notepad and a pen in her hand and four icons around her which are about writing a resume.

Do Company Research

  • Research the company's website and other online resources

    Look for information about their culture and mission, focus areas, specific products and services, and customer reviews.

  • Talk to people who have worked at or with the company

    Obtain feedback about the employer so that you know if you want to work there, what to expect and where you should focus.

  • Read press releases, news stories, and other resources

    Read resources related to the company to gain insight into the organization and its work.

  • Use social media to research the company

    Connect with other professionals and businesses, and follow industry news related to the company.

  • Speak with the company's HR representatives

    They can help you by providing insights into the company's values and culture.

  • Research the company's competitors

    Compare the differences to better understand how the company stands out.

Stay Organized & Track Job Search Activities

Keep a diary or spreadsheet

It can help document each application and interview, noting the date, company, and position and follow up dates.

Track the companies you’ve interviewed with

Track those companies that you have sent resumes and applications to, and set reminders to follow up with them after a while.

Keep in touch with your professional contacts

Use networking apps to keep in touch with your professional contacts and look for job opportunities from connections with inside industry access.

Compile job postings

Use online resources like job-search websites to compile job postings, preferences and find leads for the job positions you are interested in.

Take a careful look at job requirements

Assess if you have the qualities needed to succeed within a company. This could help you save time when applying for a lot of jobs.

Schedule regular check-ins to evaluate progress

Track network connections, and review job applications progress by checking in on a regular basis.

Stay organized and manage your time

Stay organized and manage your time effectively, setting reminders to follow up and ensure you don’t miss any deadlines.

Additional Steps to Find Your Next Job

Expand your network by attending events and connecting with others in your industry.

There are a few ways to expand your network:

Additionally, writing quality content in your field of expertise could help you gain exposure and recognition in your field.

Graphic of a man sitting behind his laptop with a cup of hot drink next to him and 5 icons around him.
Graphic of a man with icons in a circle around him that have to do with resumes

Don’t be discouraged by rejection or competition, stay focused and keep applying!

Finding a job can be lengthy and sometimes stressful. But you can do a few things to stay motivated during this process. One suggestion is to set small goals for yourself, such as applying for five new jobs per week or researching a certain number of jobs daily.

Additionally, as you go through the process, remember why you’re job searching and the positive outcomes that a new job can bring. Talking with friends and family can also help to keep you motivated, as they can provide support, guidance, and advice. Finally, make sure to take breaks and not overexert yourself. 

Prepare for the interview by researching the company and practicing interviewing skills.

When preparing for a job interview, there are a few things you can do to ensure you’re well-prepared. First, research the company you are interviewing with and the job position so you have a thorough understanding of the company and the expectations of the job.

Secondly, practice answering common interview questions so you feel confident coming into the interview. You should also plan out and practice the questions to ask in the interview. Finally, dress professionally, bring any necessary documents, and arrive on time. 

Graphic of a person sitting on a chair behind a desk looking at a computer with several icons around relating to data and data analytics.