How to Hire Passive Candidates
What is a passive job seeker
A passive job seeker is a person who is not actively searching for job opportunities but is instead open to hearing about job opportunities if they are contacted by a recruiter or employer.
They often have career goals but are comfortable with taking their time to find the right job. Passive job seekers have existing jobs and are usually not sending out resumes or attending job fairs.

Benefits of Passive Candidates
Access to a larger talent pool
Including passive candidates significantly incrases the amount of people that you could potentially hire for the job.
Diverse selection of candidates
More people that you can choose from also means there is more selection, with more people with different backgrounds.
High quality candidates
In addition to having more choice, a point could be made that already working candidates are likely good at what they do.
Candidates have more experience
Passive candidates usually have more experience and are generally more qualified for the position than active job seekers.
New perspectives and skill sets
Passive candidates can bring new perspectives and skill sets to the table, making them invaluable resources for employers.
Tend to be more loyal
Passive candidates also tend to be more loyal and stay with the company for longer than active job seekers.
More engaging in the role
Passive candidates are generally more engaged in their roles, thus contributing to improved job satisfaction and retention.

What do passive job seekers want
Passive job seekers are looking for positions that match their goals, values, and interests. They also want positions with attractive salaries, job security, flexible hours, and good benefits. They want to find a job that they will enjoy and grow in.
Many passive job seekers are looking to pursue more challenging opportunities, seeking better compensation, wanting to further their career by obtaining additional training and credentials, wanting to be closer to home or family, wanting to change industries, or wanting to be in an environment with more open and encouraging management.
How to target passive candidates
To target passive candidates, start by networking with people in relevant fields. Ask contacts if they know any passive candidates they would recommend. You can also utilize online job boards, such as Beyond Wage that offer passive candidates a way to look for a job anonymously and allows employers to actively search for passive candidates and contact them directly.

Tips to target passive candidates
Try and use job targeting ads on Beyond Wage as well as social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach out to passive job seekers. Finally, draw attention to your company by creating unique profiles and stand-out job descriptions. Engage with relevant industry associations, conferences, and professionals. By doing this, you can make your company visible to passive job seekers.